Thursday, October 4, 2007


Tuesday we went back to the range and I did a little better, but still got yelled at. I expect no less. We also were given a change to go the Monigarty-Genry connection Saturday. Despite the fact that the Sergeant Major said everyone with a few exceptions (articles 155) with the right and privilege to go, one from my platoon is going. Also, they're apparently charging $20. a head which is scandalous down here because everything on bases is supposed to be free. We also went to the simulated range or the "playstation on crack" as the DS's describe. I actually did pretty well. ( I still got stepped on by my DS) but was volunteered to clean up the building afterward. Which is fine with me, but ended up giving me about 2 minutes for lunch. So I got little more than some crackers and cheese. For dinner, because of certain privates inability to wash the salad bar properly, I got virtually nothing for dinner either.

the highlight of the day was the transition to white phase (more freedom, less supervision). It was three days late, but we made it. This was then immediately followed by DS Ford rolling up the white flag and saying nothing changed and we were still in red phase. Oh well.

I left home on Tuesday August 14th. Today makes 37 days away from home. Basic training graduation is scheduled for October 25th. 36 more wake ups. That's right, over half way there.

A few points of clarification and et cetera. Smoking is the process of corrective action through physical training. For the most part push ups, but may include mountain climbing, flutter kicks, the military press (with or without the m-165) overhead arm clap, side straddle hop (jumping jacks) front back go's (push ups, flutter kicks, running in place together but switching constantly), leg lifts, crab walking or just having to hold a very uncomfortable position like squatting, while holding your m-16 straight out. The best part is during hte push ups they make us say, " attention to detail" going down and "teamwork is key" going up. half of the platoon doesn't' realize the meaning of the statements.

Dad, my rank abbreviation is SPC, Karin the zip is 31905. Thus far I gotten a letter from Karin, 2 from Dad, 1 from Mom and 1 from Lisa and kids. So they are getting here slowly but still getting here.

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