Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Hey Everybody. Sorry for this delay in blogging. I can't really say that I've been busy, but I can say I have virtually no free time due to massive expenses of waiting around. Today's hte 9/11 anniversary and the battalion had a little ceremony this morning. I wasn't' there because of a little wonder we call sick call. Basically I waited around a couple of hours to get some Tylenol and an ace bandage. Of course this really isn't any different than my regular HMO. Although, in the real world I can buy Tylenol myself and keep it instead of having to have the drill sergeants babysit if for me. Today was a relaxation day after the PT test and a brief foot march up a very steep hill. It's funny, it seems like no matter where we march it seems to be 90% uphill. The PT was a mixed bag. I did decent on the push ups, good on the sit ups and bad on the run. This, of course due to the fact that I've been running with one leg.

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